Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hot Apple Cider

Nearly ready for release is a new anthology featuring an all Canadian cast of writers. This book was commissioned by World Vision for use in conjunction with their "Girl's Night Out" events. Over 30, 000 women across North America will receive a copy of this book when they attend a "Girls Night Out" event at a local church.

Oh, did I mention the authors are all Canadian Christian authors. But don't let that scare ya. This book is no preachy tomb. Instead, it attempts to build bridges of grace and love between all people regardless of whatever sociological lable you can think to apply to yourself (or others).

My fiction piece The Stuckville Cafe is featured Hot Apple Cider. For your reading enjoyment I have included the first two paragraphs of this 3500 word story.

To view this book on Amazon follow this link:

Here's a taste of Hot Apple Cider:

The Stuckville Café

By Bonnie Grove

The town has a real name, but I call it Stuckville. Because, boy, oh, boy, I'm stuck here. Plunked down in the middle of nothing-to-write-home-about by a husband who wanted a change (so we moved here), then wanted a bigger change (so he left me). Now, I'm the sole proprietor of one rinky-dink café right across the street from the train tracks. I sell ice cream, espresso drinks, and Mexican food. I know the combination sounds cock-eyed, but most everything about this town is cock-eyed.

Don't think there aren’t times I think I should cut bait and run. But I suffer from the worst of human maladies - a double whammy of a total lack of a plan and an over-developed sense of responsibility. Like I said: stuck.

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