Next week, we'll hear from another author about turning ideas into novels. Great stuff ahead!
But it's the LONG weekend, and I think we need something fun on the blog.
I thought it would be neat to offer a peek over my shoulder at some of the mail that's come in about Talking to the Dead. All of the following are verbatim, but are not necessarily the full content of the letter as some portions of the mail I get are people sharing their personal journey of grief. I also removed identifying information.
From a Canadian reader who won a copy of Talking to the Dead: "I have to tell one of the best novels I have ever read ! I love your writing style as it draws you in immediately. You also did a great job of making a difficult topic serious, but funny at the same time. I fell in love with the characters and wished the book didn't have to end."
From a woman who bought a copy from her local bookstore: "Thanks so much for writing this book! Your writing and characters got right into my heart for an all night healing! I couldn't put the book down and God really did a work on my heart! I will share this book with my friends!"
A reader in California wrote to say: "I am going to share the book with my daughter next. She would like to be a counselor and reads many books that may provide more insight into any of the situations she may one day become familiar with through her career."
From a friend and fellow author who had planned to read Talking to the Dead on the plane during her summer vacation: "I'm afraid I didn't read your book on the plane - because I finished it beforehand, leaving me nada to read! Not fair. Make your next book less compelling, 'kay?"
A Canadian reader shared her copy: "I absolutely LOVED it! I gave it to a friend to read who is 'against everything Christian' and she loved it!"
A US military wife wrote this: "I LOVED Talking to the Dead - it took me through a tough time of grief [. . .]. It comforted me as I grappled with my fragility, imperfections and God's acceptance - LIFE IS MESSY - how true! And God is love."
From a well read American reader: "I finished reading your book. I read over three hundred pages today. Why? Because I couldn't put the stinkin' thing down. Yes, I'm shouting! It was one of thee best stories I have ever read. Anything that can hold my attention for long, that can make me cry, get angry, and want to yank several someone's teeth out, goes straight to the top of my list as one of thee best reads in a long time."
And this last one comes from a reader in New Zealand: "I finished Talking to the Dead on the weekend and it was absolutely amazing! Easily the best book that I've read this year (and I've read a lot!) It was one of those great books where you find yourself forcing yourself to stop and put it down because it's just so magical and haunting that you don't want it to end because you know you aren't going to read another one as good for a long long time.
Your way with words and the plot and Kate and Jack and the way you pulled it all together. Wow! You should be so so proud. All those great endorsements didn't even begin to do it justice."***
I hope you enjoyed this over the shoulder peek at my mail box. It is a humbling privilege to hear from readers and to share a bit of life with them. I answer every e-mail and snail mail myself - I simply wouldn't want to miss any of the joy that comes from hearing from, and talking with readers. It is, without a doubt, the best part of my job as a writer. For those who have written, thank you for the joy and hope and love you have shared.
If you've been thinking of dropping me a line, I hope you do. I'd love to get to know you!
And if you've read this far, you're in for a treat. Leave a comment to win a signed copy of Talking to the Dead!
I bid you good writing.
Oooh, I'd love to win a copy. I've been looking forward to reading this book. But... is this open to international readers? I live in Australia.
karenschrav _at_ hotmail _dot_ com
Hi Bonnie :)
I'm so excited to have the chance to read your book! I'm waiting patienly ^_*V
cuniquas at gmail dot com
Heh. My husband likes it so much when I get free copies of books. ;o) Sshh, don't tell him I'm going to break down and buy the thing myself one of these days.
Hi, Bonnie!! I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did!
Wow, having international readers is doubly cool! New Zealand is extra points as well!
Happy Labor Day!
I feel privilaged to have one a copy already. Thanks Bonnie! :0) I loved the book. Dealing with mental illness in my family helped me understand the main character a bit better. My mother and I both struggle and have struggled in the past with depression. She has more in common with the main character than I, but I felt that connection too. She is going to read it next. Thanks again Bonnie for writting such a great and inspiring novel!
oops it should have read "won" not "one"!
Karen: I've had international entries before - and have mailed a winner in New Zealand her copy, so YES! (As a Canadian, I have a soft spot for "international" people - usually meaning any of us who don't live in the US). Your name is in the hat!
Mariska: Let me know when your copy arrives. I'm curious to see how long it takes for a book to reach Indonesia.
Janet: Well, your name is in the hat, so fingers crossed, eh?
Kristen: Hi! Great to see you here! You're entered too!
Nichole: Thanks for your kind words. I hope it is a blessing to your Mom as well.
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